405.627.6326 hello@doopl.health

C.R. “Sonny” Holbrook, III, MD

C.R. “Sonny” Holbrook, III, MD

ProPartners Healthcare
9800 NW Polo Drive, #110
Kansas City, MO 64153

8500 W. 110th Street, #200
Overland Park, KS 66210

(913) 451-4776


Dr. Holbrook joined ProPartners Healthcare in September of 2004. He grew up in Galveston, Texas, attended Texas A & M University, and is a 1982 graduate of The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. He completed an Internship at John Peter Smith Hospital in Ft. Worth, Texas and an Emergency Medicine Residency at Texas Tech Regional Academic Health Center in El Paso, Texas.

He is a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, is also Board Certified in Emergency Medicine and practiced Emergency Medicine for the first 20 years of his career. He was a member of the Emergency Department/Trauma Center staff at St. Joseph Health Center in Kansas City from 1989-2004.

Dr. Holbrook has an interest in Age Management Medicine. He believes that optimal health can be reached by focusing on nutrition, exercise, and the judicious use of hormone replacement, when medically necessary. He has completed training at the renowned Cenegenics Education and Research Foundation in Las Vegas, which specializes in and sponsors research in Age Management and Metabolic Medicine.